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Radio listening hobby
Shortwave intro
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SINPO code
Pri kurtonda radio

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The SINPO code is a way to convey information about radio reception for the purpose of getting QSL cards or telling other radio buffs about what you heard. Some people are big fans of the SINPO code for reception reports to stations, others are not. When in doubt, just describe in plain language the signal quality, interference and noise levels, unusual occurrences during a broadcast, and your overall opinion of the reception.

SINPO stands for signal, interference, noise, propagation, and overall. To use the SINPO code, judge each aspect of the signal's quality on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the best condition. A SINPO of 55555 means a perfect signal. A SINPO of 54423 means the signal was strong but you heard another station bleeding in a little bit and some kind of noise. Fading was much more of a problem making the program inaudible much of the time. You're so-so on whether it was worth listening to under those conditions. If SINPO is 25232, there's no interference but the signal's weak with lots of static and considerable fading.

These are subjective of course, especially "overall". That's why when sending a reception report to a station, you may be better off describing in your own words what the listening experience was like. If you use the SINPO code, remember it's just a guide. If, during a half hour of otherwise perfect reception, the signal fades once for five seconds or your neighbor's car makes two seconds of ignition noise, you may still give it a SINPO of 55555.

Signal 1Terrible signal. Barely detectable. Voices audible but not understood. Some musical notes audible.
2Poor signal. Voices audible and sometimes understood. Most musical notes audible.
3Fair signal. Voices plainly audible and easily understood. Music plainly audible although lacking clarity.
4Good signal. Everything's plainly audible with just a little less than the best quality.
5Excellent signal. As strong as it gets.
Interference 1Rotten interference. Impossible to tune off to the side to avoid it. You can't hear the signal you want.
2Bad interference. Possible to hear the signal you want only some of the time.
3Moderate interference. The signal you want is audible around half the time.
4Slight interference. It rarely prevents you from hearing the signal you want.
5No interference.
Noise 1Horrible noise. Hearing the program is impossible.
2Bad noise level. Ruins most of the reception.
3Moderate noise. Some of the program audible or plainly audible with notable noise.
4Slight noise. The program is plainly audible.
5No noise.
Propagation 1Terrible. Signal is faded out much more than it's faded in.
2Bad. Fades a lot, but not always beyond audibility.
3Moderate. Shaky signal. Sometimes not audible, sometimes just weaker.
4Slight. Mostly steady signal. Minor fading, almost always audible.
5None. Signal strength steady.
Overall 1Lousy. Not enjoyable or useful.
2Poor. Occasional moments when the signal is useful but generally not of enjoyable quality.
3Fair. Useful or enjoyable much of the time but with something to be desired.
4Good. Generally good. Occasional problem moments or a slight constant problem.
5Excellent. Enjoyable and useful reception free of trouble.